Thursday, July 25, 2013

Doodle Moth Painting - "Irrational"

 photo 2013mpeacockirrationalblog_zps22b8835b.jpg

I'm super happy that this painting ended up here. I wasn't sure where it was going and for a moment I definitely thought I had ruined it but it happened. 3D bits make me so incredibly happy. 

 photo 2013mpeacockirrationalblog2_zps4921273a.jpg

Femininity in a patriarchal society.
The expectation of personal sacrifice.
The image of being irrational 24/7.
There is small difference between a butterfly and a moth,
yet the former is celebrated while the latter is often feared. 

 photo 2013mpeacockirrationalblog3_zps3f69a397.jpg

As usual, this painting is available for purchase here. I offer inexpensive photo reproductions as well, I just haven't been scanning my artwork much lately.

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