The scrappy journal isn't too bad... just a little fussy. I finally found refills for my calligraphy pens so I'm excited about that (not that I do calligraphy or anything...). I filled an entire written journal with this pen!
This year went by soooo quickly! I filled three journals this year :/
January: Was such a dark month, I wasn't even writing down the correct year (with stamps even, geez). I finally got small prints made and was so impressed by their beauty. I still have some of those ones, sadly.
February: I learned how to play Minecraft, haha. It continues to steal my evenings!
March: Darkness continued for a long time, actually. I met Nolwenn downtown! I badly chopped all of my hair off after a bad day. Japan also had a very bad day. I watched every Suzi Blu video I could find.
April: I made a video! As it turns out, I'm not very good at them. I visited my parents which put me in a rather foul mood. The Receiving Project did nothing to help...
May: Someone threw me a birthday party! There wasn't anyone there hardly, but it was a nice gesture.
June: Arts2011 happened! It was nice having an actual painting in a gallery (rather than just trading cards). I will definitely do it again next year.
July: Our stupid cat got sick just before a camping trip. But I really took a liking to journal-making.
August: 400 cupcakes at work.
September: Finished my book for the sketchbook project!
October: Sent out my first newsletter! I've been enjoying it ever since.
November: Took a driving lesson
December: Crafty Affaire was so amazing and the extra etsy sales after that were nice too! It was sooo worth the trouble and fuss to go and do that.
I'm hoping to improve each year as it comes. I need a little more drive and determination next year. What are your resolutions?
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