I have begun to collect inspirational images for future craft show displays! My absolute favourite simple solution has to be the clothesline across a pretty frame trick. I don't buy frames, though. Instead, I take apart old canvas paintings because there is usually some lovely beveled wood hidden underneath! I painted this one turquoise. There are not enough eyelets left to finish it though.
I've signed up for a show this winter, but because craft shows aren't very affordable, I could only spring for a tiny 3-foot-wide space! I'm thinking the display above for the mini paintings, I'm thinking stacks of journals... maybe a narrow tiered display of some kind for prints and small paintings (if I can sneak them in)!
Do you have any ideas for super small spaces?
Hey, I can't view your site properly within Opera, I actually hope you look into fixing this.
Thank you for telling me :)
I will look into it, though I'm not sure if there is much I can do as this is a Blogger site (do I have that kind of control? I don't know). From what I've heard, Blogger is abandoning Opera...
Or are you referring to my main site www.yellowmellearts.com?
I opened both sites up with Opera and it appears to be running just fine. Actually, it seems to work better.
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